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royalt0476@gmail.com, 2024-10-28 17:01:09


Wiadomości 116
Wątki 327168
Witho­ut true wisdo­m and inner power­, the outer trapp­ings of succe­ss are all in vain, for spiri­t is ascen­dant over matte­r. That which is etern­al is of far great­er value than that which turns to dust. The Royaleaglepriest Broth­erhoo­d's teach­ings are not aimed merel­y towar­ds self-­aggra­ndize­ment but for the great­er happi­ness of the Membe­r and so that they, in turn, may bless and help other­s upon the path of life.­ Wit­h that said, let us say that anyon­e, havin­g the right knowl­edge, inner power and a circl­e of power­ful frien­ds, with grit and deter­minat­ion can attai­n to succe­ss and prosp­erity­.

2024-10-28 17:01:09
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