[[+2348123967905]] how can I join occult for money ritual in italy, spain, zambia, Libya, Kenya, zimbabwe, USA, UK, canada, southern California,

zozumuhahbrotherhoodoccult@gmail.com, 2022-08-26 04:01:26


Wiadomości 12
Wątki 327216
i want to join illuminati occult for money ritual $$+2348123967905  Millions of people from all walks of life have committed themselves to the lord zozumuhah global work for the betterment of the human species. By foregoing all divisions of geographical, religious, or political beliefs, followers of zozumuhah strive to form a planet where all people, in all places, can live in abundance. Become part of something great. Transform to join the zozumuhah Network. Join us in building character & happiness! This is a real opportunity for you to become part of something really worth while,we at the zozumuhah we do not kill any of our members irrespective of the lies you watched in most of the nollywood movies. If our members are to be sacrificed for rituals we would'nt have come this long & keep to such a great number of members, yet zozumuhah occult is expanding on a daily basis with new members from far and near.Please do not be deceived nobody would want your success if you fail to plan for yourself. All our members can marry & have children if they wishes to. Initiation is opened for both gender of between the ages of 24 years & above and its free of charge,no fee,no registration.To become a member you must come to our high temple in person,but in the situation where one can't come personally we can arrange Astral projection for you,astral travel is the invocation of your spirit man at night to our temple in Nigeria, Africa. Hence nothing goes for nothing,you shall exchange your soul for wealth,power & whatever you want.While coming bring the following items for your purification and rebirth. Before you will be accepted into the organization you will be asked to submit your full names, age etc. for evaluation and prognostication it's when you are accepted that an invitation will be issued to you please not that without invitation you won't be allowed into the temple this is for security reasons. If your reason of joining the brotherhood is for riches mind you we do not invoke money,what we do is after your initiation the members will contribute among themselves and give to you,this money is normally given  depending on what the have agreed. Its  nonrefundable as you too will donate to anybody who comes after you. For initiation rites and other spiritual related issues come in person to our temple: WE ARE HERE TO MAKE LIFE EQUAL FOR BOTH THE POOR AND THE RICH..... Why do you have to suffer so much to achieve in life?the world wasn't meant to be so,why do you allow poverty,hardship,sickness,hatred,unemployment & bad luck to take charge upon you?Life is the great indulgence-death,the great abstinence.Therefore,make the most of life-HERE AND NOW! There is now heaven of glory bright,and no hell where sinners roast.Here and now is our day of torment!Here and now is our day of joy!Here and now is our opportunity!choose ye thi day,this hour,for no redeemer liveth! Say unto thine own heart,"I am mine own redeemer."This is according to the law of zozumuhah Do not believe what the christian God says you should love one another,the law of zozumuhah says"Hate your enemies with a whole heart,and if a man smite you on one cheek,SMASH him on the other!,smite him hip and thigh,for self-preservation. After becoming a full member money, protection and power against physical and spiritual attack is guaranteed.Most people who have undergone through poverty without solution often misquote the bible saying "Money is the root of all evil"But read in the books of Ecclesiates 10:19 and Matthew 13:12 and again there is nothing hidden under the sun most people condom the act of prognostication,which is yet an act of phypocracy. You can see your future know your enemies and even communicate with your departed loved ones which most baby christian pastors are against.Please in the books of 1Samuel 28:7---20 about the Witch of Endor. With our crystal ball or black mirror the world is on our palm.It's time to pay your enemies in their own coins,most people believe to pay you bad for the good you do to them. But I assure you such people will no longer go free for the "Law of Retaliation"is here "Do me I do you God no go vex"you shall give life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth. The secret behind the secret societies you have been denied of by the secret society Lord's, Gurus and supreme masters, they won't want you to know. The offering up of a sacrifices is to be regarded as a divine institution and sacrifices must not be human beings, it could be animal it didn't originate with man.God Himself appointed it as the mode in which acceptable worship was to be offered to Him by guilty man.The language and the idea of sacrifice pervade the whole Bible. Sacrifices were offered in antediluvian age.The Lord clothed Adam and Eve with the skins of animals which in all probability had been offered a sacrifice of the first lings of his flock see Hebrew 11:4. It is believed that man went astray from the garden of Eden so the only way God could reconcile man with Him was by the atonement of BLOOD.Because without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.This was why Jesus died on the cross.Now look at the synonyms and antonyms of the story of Abraham and the sacrifice of his son Isaac as a burnt offering to God. Find details in the book of Genesis 22:1--18.This too explains how God Himself allow sacrifice from time immemorial. You can be successful either by human sacrifice or with the sacrifices of animals like..goats,bull,fowl,bush baby etc both are acceptable and effective.When God finds out that Abraham was full of faith in Him a ram was provided in place of the human sacrifices this should tell you that you can't be famous here on earth without either by human sacrifices or animals sacrifices.You can sacrifice other animals like bush baby,black dog in place of human being and everything could be perfect with you in life and you can live long, none of your family member will lost his/her life.I know thousands of the dreaded secret societies /cults and fraternities out there won't be happy with what we are doing by exposing their secrets over the Internet. I have been attacked by several groups of these evil occult but with the help of Enki am still alive and i defeated them.We need to bring the masses out of the darkness and stop the fear of been killed once you joined a brotherhood/occult. We wants our members to live long and testify the goodness of this great brotherhood.Look at the decollation of John the Baptist, the Holy scriptures tells us that after St.John the baptist was beheaded the impious Herodias forbade the prophet's head to be buried together with his body.instead she desecrated the honorable head and buried it near her palace.This was yet another secret ritual which nobody can give an answer to it.if I may ask (see Matthew 11:1--19)John the Baptist prophecies about the coming of Jesus and even baptized Him can someone tell me what was the offense of John that Jesus refused to bring him out of prison. Read Matthew 14 and from the book of Mark 6:14--29 how shamefully john was beheaded and you will find out the secret meaning of his death from verses 23 of Mark 6m and in verse 30 of Mark 6.Jesus after hearing of John's death he did not say a word this also tells me of John exchanging his life for the coming of Jesus, this was yet another sacrifice fulfilled.This the occultic men won't let you know. Have you ever asked some of this pastors where they got their powers from? Offcourse they will claim God gave them but deep behind is the secret known by few.Come and be part of this great brotherhood and say bye for poverty, sickness, untimely death, hatred, unemployment etc. MONEY'S CHOICE BETWEEN GOOD OR EVIL IS DECIDED BY THOSE WHO USE IT. MONEY HAS NO FEELING, NO VOICE, NO SOUL. WHEN ONE IS HUNGRY, THEY CANNOT EAT PAPER OR GOLD. THE SAME MONEY THAT CAN BE USED TO HURT CAN ALSO BE USED TO HEAL. TO THE DICTATOR, MONEY IS A MEANS FOR WEAPONS AND DEATH. TO THE BEGGAR, MONEY IS A MEANS FOR FOOD AND LIFE. WE ARE OUR BROTHER’S KEEPER. ONE FOR ALL. ALL FOR ONE JOIN ZOZUMUHAH OCCULT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOR EVER. You have probably heard about Secret Societies and the Occult world and wondered “how can I join one of these societies for wealth and prosperity?” The truth is, most if not all of these secret societies do not accept outsiders that are not referred by or who are unrelated to current members. Some societies only can be joined by the elite–they normally operate on a who you know or who you are related to basis. At OCCULT Society we accept anyone who is interesting in a spiritual awakening. We also do all the ritual for our members. OCCULT lead by our Grand master occultists operates using supernatural powers of black magic, voodun (voodoo), obeahy, Egyptian magic, and other powerful magic and occultist forces to gain practical benefits and change atmospheric and spiritual laws, which are only shared with our members. We are able help people from all regions of the world to enjoy prestige, protection, riches, health, wealth, power and prosperity. All members receive FREE (annual) castings of any 6 rituals/rites of their desire, you choose the ritual and HOPS brings it into your existence. You will receive a free prosperity handkerchief which will bring you prosperity, power, and protection and money. All members receive the famous –Secret Wish Rite casting for FREE, in addition to their 6 free rituals! Once you join, anything that you wish for will become your reality. It is as simple as: you submit your wish to us, and we will cast the Secret Wish rite specially formulated for your individual wish. Prior to the casting we will inform you of the date and time that your Secret Wish rite will be cast. Members will have exclusive access to purchase powerful rings, amulets, bracelets, and pendants. The masters of House of Power OCCULT will perform powerful spiritual invocations and incantations on each jewelry purchased–so that the jewelry will carry out functions of wealth, health, prosperity, fame, protection, love most especially power to control human etc. All members will have access to purchase special magical books that will create spiritual growth in the occult, metaphysical, and supernatural magic world. The possibilities are endless: Just imagine being a member and getting the right job or gaining a promotion, seeing constant increase in wealth, conquer various obstacles, or seeing wonders in your relationship, marriage, or bring back lost love, never-failing an exams, becoming famous, get spiritual protection and lots more. As a member all you have to do is tell us your desire and we will perform various rituals for three days (3) on your INITIATION for a breakthrough. So do not miss this chance to change your life for ever NEVER MISS ANY OPPORTUNITY THAT IS RIGHT BEFORE YOU THIS YEAR. IT'S YOU TO MAKE SURE YOUR OWN LIFE IS BETTER THAN BEFORE. JOIN THE ZOZUMUHAH OCCULT OF MONEY MAKERS. IT'S YOUR TIME TO DUST OFF POVERTY AND BECOME A BILLIONAIRE. TO JOIN OCCULT OF RICHES, POWER, FAME, SUCCESS AND MONEY  WE ARE DYING BECAUSE OF OUR BAD LEADER, JOIN THE GREAT OCCULT TEMPLE OF BROTHERHOOD BROTHERHOOD TO BE WEALTHY JOIN US WE GUARANTEE YOU SUCCESS,100% WEALTH, POWER, FAME WE ARE HERE FOR THE DESPERATE ONES, DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY IN AFRICA JOIN US AND MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TO PASS JOIN THE BEST OCCULT WITHOUT ANY HUMAN SCARIFIES WE WILL CONNECT YOU TO THE TOP MEN IN THE WORLD WE WILL GIVE ALL IT TAKES TO BECOME A MAN AFTER YOUR INITIATION THE LORD OF MONEY WILL VISIT YOU. 1) YOU MUST BE ABOVE 24 YEARS 2) YOU MUST BE ABLE TO KEEP SECRET BE WARNED IF YOU NEED ANY ASSISTANT FINANCIALLY, JOB OFFERING, CONTRACT , OIL SUPPLIED, PETROL CHEMICAL ENGINEER, OPPORTUNITY TO WORK IN OIL COMPANY, EDUCATION ASSISTANTS FEEL FREE TO CONTACT THIS NUMBER IF YOU WISH JOIN THE ZOZUMUHAH BROTHERHOOD OCCULT TEMPLE THAT GIVE YOU ALL YOU WANT IN LIFE WE ARE THE BEST OCCULT GROUP IN AFRICA JOIN US WE GUARANTEE YOU WEALTH, FAME, POWER, SUCCESS IN LIFE DON’T THINK THAT ALL YOUR HOPE ARE LOST IN THIS WORLD YOU STILL HAVE THE ABILITY TO MAKE A GOOD LIVING BY JOINING MONEY RITUAL SECRET OCCULT THAT WILL MAKE YOU VERY RICH WITHOUT KILLING ANY HUMAN BEING TAKE THIS DECISION TODAY AND CHANGE YOUR WORLD TO A BETTER ONE WE THE ZOZUMUHAH BROTHERHOOD OCCULT MEMBERS ARE READY TO HELP YOU AS LONG AS YOU ACCEPT TO MAKE A RITUAL SACRIFICE TO OUR LORD SPIRITUAL TO BECOME ONE OF US THEN YOU ARE READY TO BOOST YOUR CAREER AND BE A GREAT MAN WITHOUT BEING AFRAID OF ANY LIVING THINGS IN THIS WORD JOIN US TODAY AND FULFILL YOUR DREAM CONTACT THE WISE ONE NOW +23481239-7905 Email zozumuhahbrotherhood@gmail.com we all define success differently (as well we should), most of us do factor some degree of wealth into our success equations. So how do you become super rich? First embrace one fact: you’ll never get there on salary alone. join us in the word we will show you the secret of money and wealth call  if you have giving up on becoming rich and powerful in life, that’s why we here to render you any kind of help that you want What challenges are you facing in life today,is it poverty,wretchedness, you are true with your education no job employment, you are marketer no improvement You have tried all you can to make sure you are successful, famous, rich, powerful but nothing have work out for you, right now a great opportunity is giving to you to change your life.  I'm speaking from the experience I have had so far being a member of ZOZUMUHAH Brotherhood Occult or fraternity. Joining a fraternity is by far one of the best life decisions I have ever made. It's not because of the partying and other debauchery  people think of when mentioning an occult or fraternity. It's one of the best decisions I've ever made because of the people i have grown close to, the support system i found, the immense networking opportunities at my disposal, and the purpose i have found within the brotherhood. ZOZUMUHAH secret society is part of a family and something bigger which has helped transitionally in life coming to college. Being a part of the brotherhood is more than what you see and think of on the outside. On the inside it's a family dedicated to the betterment and prosperity of everyone in it. I would have never been able to make the connection I have, or find future opportunities if I would have never gone through with becoming a member of  the ZOZUMUHAH Brotherhood. Once you are part of it you are a piece in a giant history. Knowing I am that tiny piece gives me a great sense of pride. I want to strive to do anything I can to help others and be there for them like people were for me. Take note this Brotherhood does not involve the use of human flesh or blood for sacrifice. ZOZUMUHAH occult Means being there through the literal best and worst of times. It's being a shoulder to lean on and having one there if you ever need it. Through the greatest time of your life you are connected to like minded individuals who would do anything for you and you for them. Just to feel that kinship is enough to make myself want to be the best version of myself that I can be. I could not ask for anything more in my life. The support and bonds I make now are far enough and I know I will carry on throughout my entire life. Here is the opportunity to change it all and you will have your way to the world of riches and fame. Join the ZOZUMUHAH Brotherhood Occult in Africa today and use what you have to get what you want. DO YOU WANT TO JOIN OCCULT IN AFRICA OR IN (U S A )TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN LIFE HOW TO JOIN MONEY RITUAL OCCULT TO ACQUIRE RICHES, MONEY, POWER, SUCCESS, PROTECTION, PROSPERITY, FAME AND BE FORTUNED IN LIFE, We invite you, the human citizens, to discover more about our organization and to understand your role in this planetary union because the establishment of the new world order is about to begin, that is why we are giving the this equal opportunity to everyone who is interested in joining our ; ARE YOU A POLITICIAN, ENGINEER, FASHION DESIGNER, ATHLETE, DOCTOR, ENTERTAINER, MODEL, GRADUATE/STUDENT WITH GOOD SKILLS, OR YOU HAVE IT IN MIND TO EXPAND YOUR ; ETC. JOIN THE REAL AND BEST OCCULT SOCIETY JOIN ZOZUMUHAH BROTHERHOOD OCCULT NOW TO BE CONNECTED TO TOP MEN IN YOUR SOCIETY AND TO ERADICATE POVERTY IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD. HOW CAN I JOIN OCCULT IN GHANA OR NIGERIA TO MAKE REAL MONEY AND TO BE WEALTHY JOIN ZOZUMUHAH FAMILY. wisdom has the power to enlighten us about the ancient, often forgotten supreme spirits, their magic rituals and their place in helping us to heal Nature. Whether you wish to learn the history and mythos of the supreme kingdom of darkness Spirits, or if you wish to work directly with these luminous beings, ZOZUMUHAH Magic provides unique access to the power and wisdom of the ZOZUMUHAH Lords. The Supreme ZOZUMUHAH Magic includes many Illustrations and an extensive Glossary. Do you want wealth, riches, super power, improvement, success, connection, fame, control, ; ALL THESE WILL BECOME YOURS ONCE YOU BECOME A MEMBER OF THE GREAT ZOZUMUHAH BROTHERHOOD, YOU JOIN KINGDOM OF ZOZUMUHAH FOR WEALTH POWER RICHES FAMOUS SUCCESS AND PROSPERITY. ZOZUMUHAH BROTHERHOOD believes in Human race and they want to make the world a better place for everybody by bringing the new world order. For those fake agents or people claiming to be part of ZOZUMUHAH BROTHERHOOD, "stop giving ZOZUMUHAH family bad names by deceiving innocent people", You all are being watched, be warned. For those who are talented and gifted and needed help to accomplish their dreams and heart desire. Your questions on how to join the occult have been asked often by individuals,the profound group of the great ZOZUMUHAH brotherhood set up this platform as an aid to reach the desperate and true seekers. We are about to share with you a great secret that will liberate you and help you to achieve stability in all aspects of your life. We are an intellectual group acquainted spiritually to eliminate the mystery of failure and empower status with success in individuals who are desperate and ready. ZOZUMUHAH brotherhood occult acknowledge all initiate comrade improve with growth in wealth,power,fame,success,protections in all aspects. Join the great ZOZUMUHAH brotherhood society - world wealthy society. ALL PROBLEM SOLUTION HAS EMERGE,THE POOR AND RICH ITS ONLY THINKING AND BELIEVE THAT SEPARATE THEM. Contact us Mobile: +234 8123967905 phone : +234 8123967905 Email : zozumuhahbrotherhood@gmail.com

2022-08-26 04:01:26
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