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ALLELUIA MINISTRIES ONLINE PRAYER DELIVERANCE CALL +27739544742 PASTOR ALPH LUKAU OF ALLELUIA MINISTRIES ONLINE PRAYER BOOKING CONTACT +27739544742 PROPHET OF THE MOST HIGH FEEL THE SPIRITUAL ATTACHMENT PASTOR ALPH LUKAU OF ALLELUIA MINISTRIES God is still speaking with miracles to witness through the services of the Enlightened Christian Gatherings, there offerings/donations done in spiritual pay-outs which are through the sell of anointments such as; *SPIRITUAL HONEY TO TREAT ALINEMENTS/CHONIC DISEASES. *ANOINTING WATER TO TREAT AND PROTECT AGANIST ALL BAD LUCK, EVIL SPIRITS AND PROSPERITY IN BUSSINESS. *INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL INVITATIONS FOR PRIVATELY PRAYERS FOR FAMILIES, COMPANY AND PEOPLE OF HIGH PROFILE IS GRANTED THROUGH APPOINTEMENTS. * PRAYER SPIRITUAL CANDLES. *SPIRITAUL RIBBONS. *ANOINTING STICKERS,( for the blessing of your house, cars, business and work places of various specifications) . *-online prayers booking contact pastor Alph Lukau of alleluia ministries +27739544742 “A few things I ask of those who serve God with me” To seek God daily To delight to know His ways, Never to forsake the judgment of God; To always ask of God for righteous judgments; And to delight in drawing nearer to God. ALLELUIA MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL PRAYER REQUESTS Submit your prayer requests and PASTOR ALPH LUKAU OF ALLELUIA ministries and the ECG Intercessors will touch in agreement, with you for your requests, lifting you, your requests, your friends, your family, your business, and anything else that may be on your heart up to the Lord who is our healer, our provider, our Father, and our greatest friend. “The anointing that I am talking about right now it is not the anointing of next year, but it is for right now. Before you will begin to see signs and wonders.” So that the rule of God, is brought about in the hearts of man through the prophetic ministry. With a servant’s heart the ministry of Pastor ALPHA LUKAU will equip His Body to reach the lost through media with the prophetic answers you need. This ministry exist solely so that every household can experience the prophetic word of God so that they may believe in Him, call upon His name, and be saved. WE DELIVER NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL (Worldwide) African correspondences are given on special. (pastor ALPH LUKAU of alleluia ministries) FOR BOOKINGS, DONATIONS AND ORDERS, please Contact; +27739544742 (South Africa)

2023-11-13 15:14:48
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