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maamashukran67@gmail.com, 2024-06-04 23:55:45
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(PASTORS,SANGOMAS ,TRADITIONAL HEALERS , PRIESTS ,REVERENDS, GAMBLERS,MANAGERS AND CEOS) Pastors and healers who are looking for special powers to perform miracles and wonders use Mama Shukran magic rings, with this ring you can be able to see vision in space. You can just see through someone and be able to prophesy that person’s presents and future, when you wear this magic ring you will be able to tell anyone about their future if they ask you to (this can be done within just a few seconds/min .This ring provide healing powers of any kind sicknesses and diseases,deliverance from demonic manipulation, miracles and rising above .Also attract massive wealthy congregation to your church/temple.It will empowers every word you preaching to touch people’s hearts thus giving you a powerful magnetic personality, it is a very good and powerful ring for anyone to build intuition power and foresee future, very useful for person who does speculation and healing, pastors and healers in many pastors, prophets, reverend and all other church leaders, herbalist in all over the world, are using this fortune teller magic ring in their prophesying work, when you have this fortune teller magic ring it will be of a great help for you to see present, past and the future of your congregation/client
Call/ Whatsapp- +27780946240
Email- maamashukran67@gmail.com
2024-06-04 23:55:45
2024-06-04 23:55:45
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