Online Prayer Request Call Alleluia Ministries International +27739544742, 2023-11-13 15:12:29

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Online Prayer Request Call Alleluia Ministries International +27739544742 Prayer has long been a cornerstone of Christianity and will most likely remain so throughout the ages. When one reads the Bible, he or she will find many chapters and verses that refer to the act of prayer, how one can pray effectively, and when prophetic prayer is in order. Prayer is where Christians become acquainted with their Heavenly Father’s heart. Prayer is also a place where Christians commune with Jesus, and as that fellowship grows, their spirits become more sensitive to what he is accomplishing in their day-to-day lives. Prayer is a vital key to staying empowered to witness to others and staying filled with the Holy Spirit. It is a great thing to find oneself on the receiving end of a prophecy; however, care must be taken to ensure that one has proper safeguards in place. The Bible states in the book of Luke that when Mary was told she was to bear the Son of God, she realized that people would not understand and held the knowledge in her heart rather than telling everyone what was revealed to her. She waited with complete faith in God for the fulfillment of the promise in His own timing. It is for this reason that many Christians keep a daily journal where they can record such matters and share them only when they feel led to by God. Is there something specific that you would like to pray for? Become part of the prophetic prayer list and speak to a prophet today. Tell him your prayer requests and he shall speak God’s message to you. Call or whatsapp alleluia ministry to get your prophetic prayer today on +27739544742 @AlleluiaSouth Through the services of the alleluia ministry, there offerings/donations done in spiritual payouts which are through the sell of anointment such as; *-SPIRITUAL HONEY TO TREAT ALIGNMENTS/CONIC DISEASES. *-ANOINTING WATER TO TREAT AND PROTECT AGAINST ALL BAD LUCK,EVIL SPIRITS AND PROSPERITY IN BUSINESS. *-INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL INVITATIONS FOR PRIVATELY PRAYERS FOR FAMILIES, COMPANY AND PEOPLE OF HIGH PROFILE IS GRANTED THROUGH APPOINTMENTS. * -PRAYER SPIRITUAL CANDLES. *-SPIRITUAL RIBBONS. *-ANOINTING STICKERS,( for the blessing of your house, cars, business and work places of various specifications) . *-online prayers booking,questioning,anointing oil contact or whatsapp alleluia ministry +27739544742 @AlleluiaSouth alleluiaministries

2023-11-13 15:12:29
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