TRUE DELIVERANCE Alleluia Ministries International+27739544742, 2023-11-13 18:09:10

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TRUE DELIVERANCE Alleluia Ministries International+27739544742 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in ALL your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6) Submit your finances to Him, submit your health, submit your family and your career and He will make your paths straight. Somebody say Amen +27739544742 alleluiaministries Alleluia Ministries Internatinal - PASTOR Alph Lukau AMI +27739544742 8 Charles Crescent, Kramerville, Sandton 2198 Johannesburg, Gauteng Day 21/40 Jehovah Rapha Heals You Today God wants you out of HIV/AIDS, out of cancer and low/high blood pressures. He wants you of disabilities, allergies, migraines and alcoholism. He wants you out of depression, out of arthritis, debt and poverty. God wants you out of that wheelchair and out of walking aides. God wants you out of blindness and sorrow. Bring your family/bring their pictures/bring their points of contact. I decree and I declare; after this Sunday, every battle in your health and in the lives of your loved ones will be finished. So shall it be! +27739544742

2023-11-13 18:09:10
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